Gregorio Martini
10+ years experience. 6 years studying the advanced class of
instrument making at Cremona, Italy

Martin Grigorov was born in 1980 in the town of Kazanlak, Bulgaria.
Martin's parents worked in a factory for musical instruments which influenced him from a young age, stimulating an interest for the technology of making musical instruments. This interest made him decide that he wanted to become a master in this field of work. With this in mind he studied for five years in the Class of Instruments making in the High school "Akademik Dechko Uzunov" in his home town under the teachings of Hristo Hristov. Followed by six years studying the advanced class of instrument making at Cremona, Italy /I.P.I.A.L.L./under the teachings of master Aromatico. During his stadying period he had the oportunity to work with some of the best instrument making masters in this area which is helping him to improve his knowledge. Also he had one year intership at the atelier of the famous instrument maker Riccardo Bergonzi. Big influence of his instrument making style had the contacts with Alessandro Ciciliati representative of Ferraras school. His instruments are also known under the name Gregorio Martini.